As is the case with the history of this vineyard, there are times when the municipal boundaries are blurred. Its entrance is on the so-called Camino del Término, half shared by the two municipalities right in the middle of its route.
The individuality of the two cities are twinned for many reasons but perhaps the most notable is that of wine. El Puerto and Jerez are two cities linked since their origins and it could be said that, many times, they meet in the same glass.
This vineyard is divided into two plots: the larger one in Jerez and the smaller one in El Puerto, where the house is located.
Josefa de la Peña Bermúdez (widow of Captain Miguel de la Vega Mendoza) tried to transfer it to her brother Juan-Antonio de la Peña, a priest, in order to evade taxes, given that the clergy (as a privileged class, like the nobility) was exempt from paying taxes.
As Josefa herself revealed in her will in 1732, she made this simulation "for reasons that allowed me to save money and with this manoeuvre the property belonged to him without me using it.
Según reveló en 1732 la propia Josefa en su testamento, hizo esta simulación “por razones útiles que me insinuó para ahorro de derechos y en este aparente título ha corrido desde entonces por suya (…) sin que en realidad tenga en ella propiedad alguna”.
After passing through several heirs, Lorenzo Gil de Partearroyo, Marquis of Castillo de San Felipe, bought it in 1791, and it belonged to this family until the first decades of the 20th century.
Although it may be earlier, the name La Palma appears for the first time in 1845. The reason for this is not known for certain.
It is still active in the production of grapes for the vinification of wines for the Jerez region.