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Pedro Muñoz Seca Foundation

The "Pedro Muñoz Seca: Humour Inside and Outside the Tehatre" Permanent Exhibition offers a view of this writer from El Puerto with the same humour that characterized his life and works and made him a myth of laughter and ingenuity.

  • Edificio San Luis Gonzaga - Plaza del Ave María, s/n
  • Tfno. (+34) 956 862 200
  • ptopatri@elpuertodesantamaria.es

Image Gallery

"Pedro Muñoz Seca: Humour Inside and Outside the Tehatre" Permanent Exhibition

The "Pedro Muñoz Seca: Humour Inside and Outside the Tehatre" Permanent Exhibition offers a view of this writer from El Puerto with the same humour that characterized his life and works and made him a myth of laughter and ingenuity. This pleasant journey full of anecdotes and curiosities will offer you

  • An exhibition in which photographs, posters caricatures, and others are treated with the most modern exhibition techniques.
  • An exhibition with original pieces of great value: manuscripts, first editions of works, personal effects, letters, the playwright's desk, and so on
  • An exhibition where you can see cinematographic images of the author and valuable testimonies about him.
  • An exhibition that will surprise you with the reproduction of a scene of his inmortal comedy La Venganza de Don Mendo in which Don Mendo will take revenge on those who do go greet him.


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