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Ruta Enoturística de la Comarca en El Puerto de Santa María

The Landscape of the Vineyard Houses

Fruit of the union between nature and mankind

All of the cultures that have produced wine have done so in a particular and distinctive way. In the province of Cádiz there are various types of wine, but in all of them we can find the mark of all the cultures that have passed through here.

Both cultivation and construction techniques have given rise to a characteristic landscape that is easily identifiable just by looking at it.

The landscape that we contemplate is the result of natural evolution and human activity.


The layout of the terrain in successive gently sloping hills and valleys makes it seem, at first, like a solidified rough sea.

This topography rises above the bed of the sea and the subsequent marshland that occupied this area in ancient times. Later, Alpine folding (between 68 and 1.5 million BC) produced this undulating form and brought the albariza soil to the surface.

The high lime carbonate content gives the whitish colour, hence the name (albus, in Latin) given to the albariza soils, which are also composed of clay and silica.

It is precisely the presence of this silica that comes from the shells of millennial marine microorganisms, which gives the albariza soil its fineness.


Man is responsible for the roads, the plots, the cultivation and the architecture.

The vineyard houses on some of these hills date from the mid-17th to the 19th century, which was a long period of boom in the wine business.

It is likely that some of these vineyard houses are built on the ruins of other more ancient buildings: Roman villas, medieval farmhouses...

Many of these houses have been renovated and extended more than once for various reasons, but in general they retain the beauty that their builders made compatible with functionality.

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