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Ruta Enoturística de la Comarca en El Puerto de Santa María

Boullet Vineyard

Keeping the pace

The cycles of all agricultural activities are subject to circumstantial variations and the vineyard is no exception to this. Market trends, pests such as phylloxera, the emergence of new opportunities, etc...

That is why it is especially remarkable when we find vineyards that have been producing grapes for wine for centuries despite the many difficulties that have taken place around them and that have led many vineyards to be transformed or to disappear

In 1777, José Boullet and Francisca del Rincón (a married couple) inherited a vineyard of 10½ aranzadas (about 4.7 hectares) from Cristóbal Palomino and bought an adjacent vineyard of 15 aranzadas (about 6.7 hectares) from the Convent of Santo Domingo (in El Puerto), which had also belonged to Palomino.

Twenty years later, José Boullet, who was the administrator of the Duke of Medinaceli's estate in El Puerto, had to hand over the vineyard to the Duke as part of the payment of the debt that resulted against him from the management of the ducal accounts.

Tomás Ravina, his son Juan-Andrés and his son-in-law Agustín Albertis bought this vineyard in 1827, at the same time as they also acquired the Pineda and María-Manuela vineyards.

The vineyard house, which was later modified, is one of the oldest in El Puerto and had a chapel.

Between this vineyard and La Rosa there was another, called Las Almenillas, whose house, which was in ruins, was demolished years ago.

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