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Ruta Enoturística de la Comarca en El Puerto de Santa María


The dedication and effort of a farming family

Due to the fact that the Small Lagoon still conserved a considerable depth at that time, and because it maintained a large volume of water throughout the year, it had permanent colonies of aquatic birds, among which the lapwing was one of the most important. For this reason, having a privileged view over almost the entire lagoon, from this farm they were witnesses to the frequent hunting meetings organised by the owners of the adjoining farm to which it belongs.

This estate of 42 hectares (also known as Biduela), 19 of which are irrigated, belongs to the former pago (estate) known as “De la Carpintería” (Of Carpentry), now part of the pago de los Tercios. It was a vineyard from 1968 to 1992. 

Francisco Galán Campaña acquired it in 1940 and converted it into his residence where three generations have lived uninterruptedly. The reason for the transfer of the family residence was due to family health issues, as malaria was still very active in areas with wetlands such as Medina Sidonia, where they originally lived. 

The floor plan of the original building corresponds to that of a traditional Andalusian farm with three buildings around a central courtyard with flower beds, vines and trees to provide shade. One corresponded to the residence of the property, another was dedicated to livestock and the last was a very long rectangular building, divided into a storage area, a tool room and housing for the gatekeepers.

Above the storage area was the house on the floor popularly known as the "soberao". This expression, which has survived in Andalusian speech, refers to a floor built in the form of a loft created by taking advantage of the gap left by a wall-to-wall floor, sometimes made of boards, under a gabled roof, and which was accessed by a staircase, sometimes also made of wood. Later, improvements were made to the construction until it reached its current level of comfort.

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