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Bodega de Forlong

The owners of Bodegas Forlong are pioneers in the area owing to their ecological and handmade winemaking and give local wines a breath of fresh air. The winery produces white and red wines as well as wines from Jerez. A visit around the winery, new in town, includes a walk along the vineyard that shows the elaboration process in situ. An open-air museum where different soils and grape varieties may be distinguished.

Image Gallery

Visiting Hours

  • Ctra. Jerez-Rota, km. km. 5  -  Tfno.: (+34) 620 211 203 -
  • Previa reserva - (Español / Inglés /Francés)
  • Reservation required - (Spanish - English - French)
  • Precio: 15 €
  • Price: 15 €
  • Visita guiada a la Viña , zona de elaboración, sala de crianza y cata de 3  vinos (Mínimo 4 pax)
  • Guide Visit to vineyard, elaboration room, growing room and tasting of 3 types of wines

Venta de productos de la firma Forlong // Forlong brand products for sale

  • Lunes a sábados de 10:00 h. a 14:00 h.
  • Monday to Saturday: 10:00 to 14:00 h.

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