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Ruta Enoturística de la Comarca en El Puerto de Santa María

El Limbo and Santa Ana Vineyard

Adapting to new times

This vineyard house is one of the largest on the estate. It has a stately residential building as well as a warehouse (formerly a wine cellar) which currently serves as a storage area for the agricultural products extracted from the farm and where they are handled and packaged for the first time.

It has adapted to the times by being one of the first vineyards to be energy self-sufficient.

Santiago Castro Ferrer, who bought this large vineyard of 94 aranzadas (about 42 hectares) in 1786, sold it to Cristóbal Gobantes Reynoso in 1793. However, when the latter died without having paid for it in full, María de las Nieves Páez (Castro Ferrer's widow) reclaimed it in 1806 and handed it over to her brother-in-law José Castro Ferrer in 1809 in compensation for the payment of his debts.

It was during this period that it was given the name of El limbo: perhaps because some of the original small plots were already so called, due to their remoteness; or because between 1793 and 1806 it was not known to whom the ownership of the vineyard would finally correspond; or because the name limbo was given to the laminar part of the vine leaf on its two sides; or for other reasons that we do not know.

In 1882, the Escribano Paúl family (who had acquired it in 1856) divided the vineyard into two equal parts, which corresponded to the brothers Manuel and Ana-María, with the names El limbo and Santa Ana, respectively.

In 1905, Ana-María Escribano Paúl brought together both parts and also both names. Later, the vineyard belonged successively to Carlos del Cuvillo Sancho and Manuel Sánchez Cossío.

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