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Ruta Enoturística de la Comarca en El Puerto de Santa María

Belludo Bajo Vineyard House

Balbaína Sun

This stately vineyard house is one of those that has best preserved its original structure and in which the residential character of this type of construction can be appreciated, although it still houses and preserves a traditional wine cellar with its own wine.

Now converted into a rural house for tourist use, it is equipped to host events for up to 80 people and has 20 beds in 10 bedrooms, as well as 7 bathrooms. 

There is a legend among the people of this estate that the name Belludo (velludo means hairy) is derived from the fact that one of its former owners had a lot of hair.

The fact is that the name Belludo and those of Bellud, Bellune, Bellís and Bellido, by which this estate is also known, are phonetic and orthographic modifications of the surname of the British merchant Tomás Velleut, who owned a large area of land in the first decades of the 18th century, which led to this part of Balbaína also being known as Belludo´s estate.

This vineyard was planted on cereal land that the Duke of San Lorenzo and the Marquis of Valle de Sidueña gave in census to several people in plots of 3 and 5 aranzadas (about 1 to 2 hectares), in the 1920s and 1930s.

Decades later, eight of these plots were concentrated into three, which were bought by Ramón Jiménez Varela between 1863 and 1866, thus starting one of the most important winemaking companies of the 19th and 20th centuries in El Puerto de Santa María.

The house was probably built in the thirties of the 19th century. It was later renovated and has now been converted into a rural house for tourist use for short and medium term stays.

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