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Ruta Enoturística de la Comarca en El Puerto de Santa María

The Vineyard Landscapes

The Wine Landscapes

Experiencing a landscape such as that of the vineyards not only provides the perception of an image, but also the perception of those who have transformed it with their work, effort and dedication.

They carry out tasks that are necessary to produce fruit and wine depending on the season and the cycle of the vine.

As in all places where vegetation is extensive and deciduous, landscapes have different seasonal, daily and occasional phases. This wine-growing landscape changes with the position of the sun, the light, the winds, the haze, the fog... and, above all, with the vegetative cycle of the vine (budding, leafing, flowering, ripening, harvesting, leaf fall) and with the work and tasks carried out for its cultivation.

Therefore, in order to appreciate and enjoy the shades of this landscape, it would be necessary to follow the route at different times of the day, in different atmospheric circumstances and at other stages of the vegetative cycle and vine cultivation. The changes are sometimes so radical that you seem to be in a different place, and the emotion generated by contemplating them is undoubtedly different too.

But in addition to the view of the landscape, another equally rich source, if not more so, is talking to the winegrowers: they are people who are passionate about the vineyard. They are the protagonists.

The beauty of this landscape is the work of many previous generations of harvesters, winemakers and vineyard workers, as well as those of today.  

That is why we invite you to record these landscapes, whenever you happen to observe them and by whatever method you choose (painting, photography, video...) and, if you wish, you can send them to the website of this route so that they form part of the archive, identifying the authorship with your name and date of recording. This way it will be registered in the photo library and, if you are interested, it will also be published on the website with this data superimposed.

Finally, if you need to cross the road, we recommend that you do so from another point with better visibility such as the one indicated on the map, to ensure your safety and that of the drivers, but also to preserve a good memory of your experience on this road.

Wine Tourism 

Route in 

El Puerto de 

Santa María

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